This holiday season, Candlelight San Antonio invites you to step into a world of enchantment, where breathtaking concerts unfold in a sea of flickering candles. Immerse yourself in the warmth of this magical experience...
Halloween and its horror are inching closer and closer every day. Celebrate the spooky season this fall with a live music experience inspired by the celebration’s petrifying music. Bewitching Candlelight concerts...
Candlelight concerts take audiences on a magical musical journey to celebrate iconic contemporary and classical musicians in some of the best music venues in San Antonio. From Vivaldi’s famed compositions to Beyon...
Once Thanksgiving wraps up in the USA, the following day is commonly referred to as Black Friday. Until Cyber Monday, big department stores offer amazing deals on their products and people go crazy for the often unbelie...
With viral dance crazes and iconic lyrics, Beyoncé’s stellar discography has more than influenced pop culture over the years. This spring, Candlelight is coming to San Antonio to pay homage to the superstar and her&hell...